Education in Human Values is a holistic approach to education that nurtures physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being of students by fostering the five core human values – Love, Peace, Non-Violence, Right Conduct, and Truth.
THE Essence of EHV
The success of a program like this essentially involves the role of teachers, students as well as parents. Our program is designed taking this fact into consideration. Our program not only helps the students but it is a great way to create a very positive life impact for all those involved in this journey. As we work with these programs we here enjoy learning every day. We will be excited for you to join us on this most satisfying and enriching experience!
"The word education can be traced back to its Latin root ‘educere’ which means to ‘pull out’ or ‘draw out’. In this day and time we have a lot of information that is given to us in our educational institutes which is from the outside. To fill the gap between today’s education and the goal of happy life it is important to draw out the inherent values that are already present in every human heart. What better time to begin other than a tender age when we chisel out the unwanted and nurture our ways to a wholesome life.
While education is like water, values component is like sugar that makes it sweet and enjoyable. A value based holistic education has the greatest potential to transform our lives and community into a peaceful love themselves. By recognizing the inherent goodness in themselves, the students will be more enthusiastic and creative about their goals in life. This program not only builds a healthy character, but also instills tremendous self-confidence to meet academic goals and prepare them for a competitive world with a positive outlook.
Education is not acquisition of burdensome information regarding objects and men. It is the awareness of the immortal spirit within, which is the spring of joy, peace and courage.”
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba